1years past from my European life
Already 1year past from my big big event that go to Europe.
My skill of English become better than before the travel.
I was gotten a lot of memory from the experience.
It is never forgettable things of my life.
When i just came back to Japan, it was not call a 'memories'.
it was only feel like 'the past days'. But now, the days are becoming a just memory. Now i'm thinking my normal days in Europe could be like in a dream.
Honestly i don't remember day's habit that what i ate a breakfast, what i was doing noon, what i was speaking in a bar with my friends. Of course i know, Every moment is impossible to remember in my brain. it's a normal human brain system. But for me,The daily life in Europe was my special. i don't wanna forget. like already i wrote it.
Unluckily, When i turned back to Japan from England i did a lost baggage. Every letters that from my friends was gone, disappear forever and ever. So i don't have lot of goods that got from Europe. it is huge bad experience through the travel.
but already 6months past, i gave up my feel feel sad. because ,it is past in the past.
So, now i'd like to try to write about my European life to my blogg.
i'm thinking that is a good idea. I'm lazy person. not often to write. but i'll try.
投稿 (Atom)
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